
Back to the Craft Blog

Hi all, it feels like I’m starting this blog all over again with this post. Its been nearly a year since I posted last. Its not that I haven’t crafted in a year far from it. I just didn’t have the time to sit at a computer and type. I know some people can blog from a phone of a tablet but I like the traditional desktop. I like to look at the bigger picture. Just like in my life.

Now talking about the bigger picture, the reason I have been keeping it low key is because we welcomed our baby girl into the world last July. Máible is a super wee kid and we couldn’t have asked for more.

I now find my crafting steering towards everything baby related. I did do some baby related items before like the Nappy Babies and the Baby Name Frames but now I have started a new passion inspired by our little one, CROCHET.

During the last few months of my pregnancy 2 things happened. 1, I found it hard to move around, some days I would be in a lot of pain. It was really annoying as all I wanted to do is clean and get ready for this baby. 2, COVID 19, if I wanted to go anywhere I really couldn’t. I needed to find something productive to do that didn’t involve much moving around. I sat in the craft room and made some toys at the sewing machine but the setting it the chair even hurt.

The place I was most comfortable was in the recliner chair but there wasn’t much I could do from there. That was until I saw a Facebook post my cousin Dan put up. He was doing the #Challange32 for Holler Street Hospital by crocheting an item of baby clothes every day. I thought I could make some hats? I had done some crochet before but wasn’t very good at it. I messaged Dan and he helped me with some patterns. It did take some time but I got the hang of it and I was off.

During lockdown there weren’t many places open that had craft supplies. The main places I went was Mr. Price and Dealz. These both had stocks of wool with Mr. Price having the largest selection.

I decided I would make hats for the prenatal babies in my local hospital, I would bring them with me when I went in to have Máible. I made about 20 in different sizes. I also made 2 when I was in there in early labor. It was a great distraction got the first few hours of contractions.

I did make some for our wee baby too, this one was my favourite, I’m not sure she was as keen.

2 thoughts on “Back to the Craft Blog

  1. Great to see you back at the blogging and the hats are beautiful! You have the most adorable hat model ever too ❤ I’m so glad I inspired you to pick up the hook and yarn. Happy crocheting and looking forward to seeing all your future creations! Dan x

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