Hand Made Gifts

Teacup Candles

Now that Christmas is over, I can show you some of the hand made gifts that I made my friends and family

What you will need

  • Teacups
  • Soy Wax
  • Candle wicks
  • Double Sided Tape
  • Clothes Pegs
  • Essential Oils
  • Bain marie with melting pot


I wanted to give candle making a try for a while now. I has the Teacups left over from the wedding centrepieces and I thought it would be nice to give them to people as gifts filled with a nice scented candle

Firstly, I cleaned the teacups and made sure they were no stains or spots on them. I then checked to see if I had the matching saucer to go with the cups I wanted to use. This turned out very important as the very first cup I did, when I went to get the saucer it was broke in half. It was my test cup, so it was ok I just glued it together.

I did some research online on what the best wax was to use, Soy Wax was the most popular. I bought a 2 KG bag and some candle wicks on Amazon

I used double sided tape to stick the wick to the bottom of the cup. This only worked ok, as when I went to pull the wick slightly to straighten it, it would come off the bottom. A big problem when I had the wax in already. Luckily that only happened once. To keep the wick up as straight as possible I used 2 clothes pegs. Like in the picture.

Once I had the cup ready it was time to melt the wax. I filled the melting pot I hat nearly full of wax and put it over the Bain marie filled with boiling water. Every so often I would take the melting pot and swirl the wax to help melt the wax.

When It was fully melted, I added some lavender essential oil. I wasn’t sure how many to add so I added approx. 25 drops. If you like an extra smelly candle I think you should add more.

Time to pour it into the cup. Slowly I poured the wax one side of the wick. It was hard not to get a drip on the side, but practice made it easier.

I slowly move the cup to a table that wouldn’t be moved while cooling. I found if I left it on the table I was working on it would cool at different rates and a crack would form at the top. This wasn’t really a big deal when burning but if you are giving them as gifts it didn’t look great.

I left the candle to set for at least 24 hrs. then trimmed the wick.

I bundled each teacup with some toiletries and wrapped them up in cellophane. They went down a treat I do say. What do you think?