Halloween Craft

Pumpkin Carving

Believe it or not, I had never carved a pumpkin until this year. I always got wrapped up in making a costume and never had the time. But this year I said I would give it a go and I am so glad I did.

That you will need

  • Pumpkin Any Size (I used a Small one I got in Aldi for 99c)
  • Kitchen Knife.
  • Sharp Craft Knife.
  • Black White board Marker & Pencil
  • Stencil Image
  • Spoon and bowl
  • Vaseline


After reading a few different how to’s on Pinterest I decided to open up the pumpkin from the bottom. I started by making a circle with a knife and the cut in into segments like a cake. When I open it up I was so surprised how thick the flesh was on a small pumpkin.

I used a small paring knife to cut the inside flesh and make it easier for my hand to get in. Then taking a regular spoon I began to scrap out the gooey insides and seeds. This took a bit of effort to scrape out the gooey, stringy insides. I put it all in a bowl as I went along.

I then drew on the design I wanted to use. I did a free handed design rather than using a stencil but you can use a stencil if you find it easier. I used a pencil first but found it faint so I used a white board marker so I could wipe off the excess after.

Once I was happy with the design, I started to carve out the parts I wanted the light to come through.

The thick skin was an issue here as well as the whole I cut out didn’t seem very big. So I trimmed it back again using the sharp craft knife to get in at the little bits.

Once it was all done, I used Vaseline to seal all the inside and open edges of the pumpkin. This should stop it from decaying so fast. Hopefully ?

Now it ready for the lights. Let me know what you think?